Deborah Gavrin Frangquist
Transformational Career Consulting and Executive Coaching
I keep finding new ways to understand the overlap between people’s work lives and their whole lives. When I studied the history of the industrial revolution, I wondered what it would be like to live in a time of such far-reaching economic, social, and technological change.
As a Career Consultant and Executive Coach, I enjoy using my historical knowledge to advise people living and working in our own era of rapid change. I know it can be simultaneously exhilarating and bewildering to set outcomes and to map paths in a time of major turnover of thoughts, values, and practices.
I particularly delight in helping people identify what they really want and working with them to achieve their aspirations. I provide spiritual depth plus practical support for career decisions, organizational success, and personal sustainability. I have developed acute awareness of hidden dynamics in individuals, teams, and organizations, along with powerful tools to work with those dynamics productively.
I treat my clients and our work together with deep respect and honor, while refusing to take myself too seriously. I see myself as your partner in your quest to work and live with integrity, to create a good life for yourself, and to have meaningful impact in the world.
Qualifications and Training
Formal Education and Trainings
B.A. History, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
M.S. Library Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Advanced graduate study and archival research, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Master NLP Practitioner, NLP Marin, San Rafael, CA
Reiki Master, taught and attuned by Terry Attwood, California
Systemic Constellation Facilitator Training, NLP Marin, San Rafael, CA
Kol Zimra Chant Leadership Training, Rabbi Shefa Gold, Santa Fe, NM
Ground Floor Lab, Open Floor International, online
Continuing Education
T’ai Chi with Christopher Sequiera, San Francisco, CA (10+ years)
Conscious Dance (5 Rhythms, Open Floor, Soul Motion – 10+ years) with multiple teachers including Kathy Altman, Stacey Butcher, Zuza Engler, Andrea Juhan, Joseph Machado, Sylvie Minot, Michael Molin-Skelton, Michael Zipkin.
T’ai Chi taught me flexibility and somatic awareness, while enhancing my ability to laugh at myself. Conscious Dance continually enriches my somatic awareness and attention to communication beyond words.
North American Systemic Constellations (NASC) Founding Member and Board Member
Or Shalom Jewish Community (Reconstructionist), San Francisco, CA
The Job Forum, San Francisco, CA, Volunteer Panelist